Saturday, May 20, 2006

in retrospect.

about regrets -
i've never been one to look back and think : damn, i should've done this instead of that and blah,
but this year has been one that holds much pain for all those spilt milk.

i wish that all seventeen years of my life
i haven't given up all that i was passionate for and better in,
that i had my priorities right,
that i was a better friend, daughter, student, lover, companion,
that i was better to myself.

and i know how pathetic it seems to be sitting around and get all pensive
which is why it gives me much (: to say that i promise myself that would the last thing i will allow myself to do

because all the wrongs that i did to myself,
i owe myself this much
to get things back on track again

it'll take so much
and it'll be such a slow process
and i know i will fall and feel like giving up
but hope is an instinctive impetus inside all of us living here

may we all not lose it.

or maybe we will realise we won't need this anymore -